Tuesday, April 7, 2009


   Just thought I'd post this - we had the most beautiful sunset last night.  I wish I could have caught all the colors.  Living in the city you have to look a little bit harder for the beauty in nature - and this is it.  I can hardly wait until it's warm enough to sit outside in the evening - snow in Chicago at this time of year is just getting to be too much!  And I need to pull myself away from all the news -it's one thing after another -now this earthquake is a horrendous disaster.

But on lighter news, I met my friend, Karen, at Lill Street Studio for coffee yesterday.  She's making the most beautiful rosaries I've ever seen -I'll post her link when she's got it up.  We're taking a PMC class later this month and I'm excited about it!   It'll go for 3 days -3 hours per day - so we hopefully  should be pretty proficient when done!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous sunset! It's my favorite colors.
    It got down to 30 dgrees here last night, then back into the 70's today. I'll be glad when it levels out!

